Tuesday, August 21, 2007

60 getting Stupider as well

"60 and getting sexier": This was the Times Of India's Page 1 headline on Aug 15. This is pathetic and unacceptable! How can TOI refer to our MATRABHUMI as sexy? Pls pass this SMS to share your concern for the SHAMELESS act. TIMES MUST APOLOGISE TO THE NATION.

For those thinking I have lost it, this was the SMS I received the day after Independence from somebody named INDIA. How ironical that someone with a mind as narrow as the Chinese eyes named himself 'India' while sending out these SMS!!!! Too bad they dint leave a call back no. on their yawning message, otherwise my network provider would have made some business while I gave those ******* a piece of my mind. (The stars hv been put to enable you to test your creativity and innovation.) Well damn right my country is 60 and getting smarter, stronger, more beautiful and even at times more weird (name a country that doesn't have that Quality) and of course SEXIER.

The problem with these dumwits is that they connote the word sexy directly with its counterpart formed by dropping the letter "y" from sexy. Tat is SEX. Shhhhhhh......... U cant say that. Lets follow J.K. Rowling's example and call it That-Thing-because-of-which-we-were-born-but-we-don't-talk-about-it. Gosh!!! Sexy goes in the same tone as Sex symbol (No, it does not mean if you see a person noted as a sex symbol it means its an invitation 2 have it now) or Sex appeal. Get yourself brushed up as its the general slang for the appeal or charm a person has to interest someone else. If I were to follow these nutcases theory HARMony would come from the word harm, MANgo is a Man who is working in a NGO and JAMes bond will be nothing more than a bottle of JAM. Well that would be just stupid. But then again there is no shortage of those people as we can see.

-Brian (please don't break my name phonetically into half, Or else i will be tomorrows Times of India page 1)

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